Plastic thermostats
Thermostat KO/KS/KB
Thermostat with snap-action disk: regulator, automatic controller, limiter
The very compact snap-action disk thermostats are designed for current loads of up to 16A and have a wide range of applica- tions. These thermostats can be used in regulator applications to maintain a constant temperature (normally closed or normal- ly open); they can be used as thermal switches in monitoring applications (normally closed or normally open); or they can be used as limiters (normally closed) with mechanical resetting.
Thermostat KW
Resistance thermostat: limiter: KW
The very compact KW resistance thermostat is designed for current loads of up to 16A and has a wide range of applications. It opens at the required temperature and switches over to an internal heating resistor (self-holding). Reset occurs on cooling by switching off the device. This ensures that the user must manually disconnect the de- vice from power supply.
Temperature Control Circuit-Breaker KBF
Snap-action disc thermostat: Limiter with trip-release
The extremely compact KBF thermostat with snap-action disc permits electrical loads of up to 16 A and is very versatile. Working as a trip-switch it is fitted with a mechanical reset. Resetting while overtemperature conditions prevail is inhibited by the trip-release mechanism thus providing double safety features.
Temperature Control Circuit-Breakers 2KBF, 3KBF, 2KB, 3KB
Snap-action disc thermostats: Limiters with trip-release 2KBF, 3KBF
Limiters without trip-release 2KB, 3KB (without button)